Behind the art and games

Living the dream...
My name is Jordan Null, and I am a freelance artist and game designer. I was born September 24th 1991. I was raised during the rise of the internet. At the time I didn't realize how important the internet was than just checking out cool games and movies on Newgrounds with my brother. Now going into my 20's I realize I can use the internet to my advantage to make a second income and enjoy doing what I love, and what I love is programming games.

As a youngster

Even as a small child I realized I would attempt to turn my passion for games into a career. After 16 years I am finally happy to say I am living my dream. I currently have 2 projects underway, one in Philly and the other in my home, Harrisburg.

In 1995 my mother bought me and my brother our first game console, The Super Nintendo for Christmas. The very first game I remember playing on it was Yoishi's Island. This game was the the first game to change my life dramatically by opening my eyes to the beauty of the digital games. I went on to beat the game before 1996. Later I remember picking up Star Fox for the SNES at a flea market with my mom. This was the second dramatic change for video games and me, I realized games could not only be in 2D but also 3D.

My Technique

I have a very in-depth perspective when I make games. I think about the "what if..." when I begin designing, and then I think "why and how?" These thoughts in mind, I also consider the possibility of evolution and how might certain technologies or certain physical characteristics could have evolved over time. Using these techniques seems to help show the player what I really am trying to imagine, while keeping everything somewhat within the boundaries of reality.

Back when I was in High School I would do something similar to this that could have lead up to, "my technique" for designing games. I used to test the reality of science fiction with my 11th grade physics teacher Mr. Rehm. For example, one of our conversations was about "What if light saber's were real?" We determined it would basically be a laser, and the laser would have a mirror connected to a 4 or 5 foot rod that connects to the handle, (otherwise the light would continue forever into space). We also found that in order to see the "saber" the light emitted from the handle would have to be green. This would continue until every aspect of the science fiction was realized and the most realistic solution was born.

The Company

My new company, (Nostalgic Games) was created to allow me to hire new people onto any given project. For example, I might call upon a friend to help with certain architecture designs. This is only a temporary help though, hopefully I can add more people to the company with time as my games become more well known. Currently I would not be able to pay another employee at my company until an income begins. Anybody who may join currently would work for free and then eventually receive pay from their efforts after the game has been published. The games made are not guaranteed to be lucrative, but the environment could be out of home and on a personal schedule.

I am currently not looking for help on any projects but I may need help in the future. If you are interested in joining, please go to the contact section of the website and fill out the form while describing about what you can do for Nostalgic Games or past projects. If you seem to have potential I will reply by asking for a portfolio. Then if the portfolio meets my requirements I can look to hire you onto Nostalgic Games.