Computer Games

Screenshot of an oldie; The Struggle.
This is where I will be holding my game demos and full games for sale and download. I already have a few freebies I plan on giving to you, but be warned that I plan to use this as a means of gaining income. So please be considerate and pirate things other than my games.

I began programming games by the age of 13. The games then were simple but fun. Now being older I like to experiment with new idea's such as completely destructible terrain, realistic physics, particles, 3D, and so much more!

Most of my games are programmed using Game Maker. I plan to broaden the spectrum of tools I use to produce games with time. The next step that I will be taking will be porting all my games to Mac. So all you Mac people can stop complaining and start playing!

Nightmare in Ice Cream Land Demo 2010

The design for this game came from a friend. He owns a video game store called D&D Game World and wanted to use my programming and art for a game idea he had. I followed the best that I could and this is what came out of it; a neat little demo that somewhat reminds me of the Mega-Man series.
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Radial Pong 2010

Radial Pong was a game I worked on for about an hour. The objective is to keep the ball bouncing. Your paddle moves in a circle so you are playing against a ball that becomes increasingly faster with each hit. Can you beat my high score of 20?
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Nightmare in Ice Cream Land Demo
Radial Pong